The IRXross FTIR spectrophotometer – the new reference
Increased sensitivity, resolution and analysis speed – for high-quality data in less time
Shimadzu is celebrating a new FTIR spectrophotometer: The IRXross is at the top of its class in terms of sensitivity, resolution and analysis. Users benefit from high-quality data, shorter analysis times and simple operation.
Higher sensitivity, better resolution and easy analysis: The new IRXross FTIR spectrophotometer is impressive on several levels. The FTIR model in the mid-range performance class surpasses its predecessor, the IRAffinity-1S.
When it comes to sensitivity, the IRXross is best in class with an improved signal-to-noise ratio of 55,000:1, enabling high-quality data to be obtained in less time. The higher resolution makes it easier to separate adjacent peaks. With the optional Rapid Scan software, up to 20 infrared spectra can be recorded per second for the investigation of chemical reaction processes.
Quick-click starting: analysis at the push of a button
The included IR Pilot analysis software facilitates everything from measuring to printing out measurement results with just one click. Even users unfamiliar with FTIR spectroscopy can easily analyze samples by selecting the analysis method. The device and accessories are recognized automatically, and the parameters are loaded. Several samples can be analyzed to save time. Shimadzu’s own algorithms enable the identification of substances and/or the analysis of impurities.
Compliance with applicable regulations
In combination with the optional LabSolutions DB or LabSolutions CS software, the IRXross meets the applicable data integrity regulations for the pharmaceutical industry. Password length and period of validity can be configured for user accounts, enabling operation at a high level of security. All analysis data and information are reliably managed. This simplifies analysis verification and prevents files from being deleted.
It goes without saying that the IRXross meets the European Pharmacopoeia requirements for the device in terms of resolution, signal-to-noise ratio and reproducibility.
Power consumption significantly reduced
Thanks to its polymer membrane, the optional dehumidifier removes electrolytic moisture from the inside of the interferometer. It keeps the humidity in the interferometer low even when the light source is not switched on, which provides power savings of around 90% in standby mode.