secrets of science
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NEWS 1/2013

Global structure – Global Design

»Excellence in Science« is Shimadzu’s promise to customers worldwide. With its strongly networked company structure reaching across continents, Shimadzu serves the needs of internationally active companies, small businesses or large…

NEWS 1/2013

FAMEs in aviation turbine fuel – a risk?

…any mineral diesel contamination. Due to natural background of high-end naphtha components present in some samples, complete separation is not possible and a multiple selective ion monitoring (SIM) is performed….

NEWS 1/2013

Heavy metals in the food chain

…of cadmium with different background compensation methods To apply the technique of the high-speed self-reversal background compensation, the cadmium hollow cathode lamp current is modulated in two modes. In the…

NEWS 1/2013

Experimental compartment

…clearly be abandoned. Authors Dr. Wolfgang Woiwode TECHPharm GmbH Sascha Hupach Shimadzu Deutschland GmbH Note: The experiments described above have been carried out by TECHPharm GmbH, Bruchsal, Germany….

NEWS 3/2012

Destruction in the name of science

TU Dortmund University and Shimadzu – Universal testing machines in education and research Figure 1: Shimadzu in the lecture hall … … Materials engineering lecture 3 at the TU Dortmund

NEWS 2/2012

»Time for solutions«

6th World Water Forum in Marseille In March 2012, the 6th World Water Forum took place in Marseille, France. Since 1997, this event has been held every three years on…

NEWS 2/2012

Headspace-Cold Trap Sampling

Fast GCMS analysis of VOCs in water Hans-Ulrich Baier, Panos Meletis und Stephan Schröder, Shimadzu Deutschland, Duisburg, Germany Analysis of EPA624 regulated volatile organic compounds in drinking and wastewater is…

NEWS 2/2012

Organic content in liquid manure, fermentation fluids and fermentation residues

…suspension Furthermore, TOC determination using catalytic combustion oxidation allows the simultaneous measurement of total bound nitrogen (TNb) because, in addition to the carbon dioxide from organic substances, NO is formed…

NEWS 2/2012

Bread packaging

…a highly complex composition for infrared spectroscopy, since all materials used such as flour, sugar, yeast, water and other components each exhibit their own distinct infrared spectrum. When these spectra…

NEWS 1/2012

Almost omnipresent

…document compared the effects of BPA in experimental studies and the associated ‘dosage-response’ data with existing information on the level of risks of human exposure to the compound, including the…