secrets of science
We found 138 results for your search.
NEWS 1/2012

Soft materials in hard drinks

…high sensitivity of the instrumental system. The combination of Shimadzu’s GC-2010 Plus with the QP-2010 Ultra MSD easily meets this requirement. Figure 1 shows the ubiquitous presence of the phthalate…

NEWS 1/2012

Replacement liver for simulation of keyhole surgery

…be found. In this intervention, the gall bladder positioned under the liver is removed via three to four small skin cuttings in the abdominal wall. In contrast to conventional procedures,…

NEWS 2/2011

24-hour support for TOC-L instruments

…the TOC-L Virtual Advisor In addition, Shimadzu has updated the ‘Virtual Advisor’ for the new TOC-L series: toclva.ssi.shimadzu*]}*.com offers a range of information relating to the TOC-L family. After a

NEWS 2/2011

Dioxin and PCB monitoring in animal feed

…GmbH in Duisburg, Germany since 2007. References Regulation (EC) No. 1883/2006 Schwind et al. (2009) cited in comment 002/2011 Regulation (EC) No. 1881/2006 “Mass spectrometry” at Wikipedia…

NEWS 2/2011

More than a new record

…decreased from 10 to 8 seconds compared with the basic model. For this measurement, all additional rinsing options were omitted – meaning, measuring with a maximum allowable tailwind in keeping…

NEWS 2/2011

Rapunzel, let your hair down

…maximum tensile load is approximately 1.16 N. Humans have on average 100,000 hairs, so a maximum load of up to 116 kN (11.6 tons) is conceivable. Strong enough, therefore, to…

NEWS 2/2011

From drinking water to ultrapure water

…system could an error-free measurement without any influence of sampling be guaranteed. For further inquiries: TRIMET ALUMINIUM AG LUMA Labor für Umwelt- und Metallanalytik Hans Mattedi: +49 201-366257…

NEWS 2/2011

Digital Image Correlation (DIC) helps the aircraft industry

under investigation behaves. Figure 2: A pair of raw images from the HPV-2 cameras showing the speckle pattern on the aluminium sample Stiffened panel under extreme flight conditions Two HPV-2…

NEWS 2/2011

Shake well before use

…carbon, or of compounds like oxides, nitrides, etc. Nanocomposites are understood to be composite materials having at least one component in the form of a nano-object. Nanoparticles often build clusters…

NEWS 2/2011

Plastics analysis in practice

…as already reported in the Shimadzu News and various application notes. Figure 2: Infrared spectra of two ABS polymers. The black spectrum represents untreated ABS; the red spectrum recycled ABS…