secrets of science
We found 413 results for your search.
NEWS 1/2018

Flavors in beer determined by Headspace-GC

GC-2010 Plus in the Quality Control procedure of a large Greek brewery Beer flavor is formed by a complex mixture of many components giving each brew its own distinctive personality….

NEWS 1/2018

Industry’s fastest level scan function and LabSolutions UV-Vis control software

New UV-1900 UV-Vis Spectrophotometer – High-accuracy quantitative analysis in regulated environments / proven excellent spectroscopic capabilities from high-end models / compliant with the pharmacopeia of various countries incl. FDA 21…

NEWS 1/2018

1/3 less large and twice as fast

New Nexgen GC CAGC-100 – Compared with conventional technology, more than 30 % smaller and up to 50 % less analysis time / compact Analyzer Gas Chromatograph “Nexgen GC” /…

NEWS 1/2018

New micro-flow LC-MS solution

…productivity at pharmaceutical companies and clinical contract research organizations. The new LC-MS sets a new standard in instrument operability, processing speed and ease-of-use as well as sample throughput. Ten times…

NEWS 1/2018

New solutions for treating plastic waste

…polymers, a scientific project driven by Dr. J.A. van Franeker, Wageningen University & Research. On average, about 0.3 g of plastic per bird (700 g) stomach was found; compared to…

NEWS 1/2018

Into the microwave!

company. Total fat contents of the reference materials investigated – milk powder and chocolate – were recovered completely. All non-certified samples also gave very good recovery rates of > 90…

NEWS 1/2018

How X-ray fluorescence can support consumer prices stability

component. At the same time, the main impurity (aluminum oxide) as well as harmful elements such as silicon, phosphorus and iron are examined in order to prevent main product contamination…

NEWS 3/2017

Shimadzu live

Car Symposium February 2 – 8, 2018 Bochum, Germany JEC March 6 – 8, 2018 Paris, France Laborama March 15 – 16, 2018 Brussels, Belgium analytica April…

NEWS 3/2017

NEWS 3/2017

Joy and fear of Christmas baking … Determination of mycotoxins in bakery products The new IRSpirit makes infrared spectroscopy easier than ever before Behind the scenes Users’ insights on working…

NEWS 3/2017

New solutions to complex problems

Global Innovation Summit – World-leading research meets cutting-edge technology Working with scientists and academia to explore new grounds for providing advanced technological systems has been a long and good tradition…