secrets of science
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secrets of science magazine 01/2023

secrets of science magazine 01/2023

Faster throughput. Together. New streamlined solution for immunosuppressant analysis by LC-MS/MS Keeping the lights on Shimadzu automates precision testing of ACSR power conductors Cosmetics – How clean is clean? TOC-based…

secrets of science magazine 3/2022

Shining a light on clean energy

Shining a light on clean energy The UV-3600i Plus as a research tool for organic photovoltaic materials Frederik Kiel, Prof. Cemal Esen, Ruhr-University Bochum Photovoltaics is an important pillar of…

secrets of science magazine 3/2022

The story of a market leader

…horizontal 1,000 °C furnace, combusted carbon in an oxygen carrier gas and collected carbon dioxide cryogenically. The quantification of CO2 was still rather complicated, but that changed when Erwin Lehrer…

secrets of science magazine 3/2022

Discovering how our ancestors used to live

…Messina Lipids are the main chemical class of biomolecules studied in ancient pottery, due to their stability over time compared to other organic compounds such as carbohydrates and proteins. However,…

secrets of science magazine 3/2022

Safety first: rapid evaluation of insulating oil in electrical equipment

…into furanic compounds. Hence, the concentration of furanic compounds in the insulating oil is an indicator of degradation of electrical equipment. ASTM D5837-15 [2] specifies an HPLC method for this…

secrets of science magazine 3/2022

Analysis of food contaminants using GCMS/MS

…are especially susceptible to EtO/2-CE post-fumigation and combine high lipid content with low water content. One example is sesame seeds, where EtO fumigation is used (particularly in many developing countries…

secrets of science magazine 3/2022

Cyanobacteria: omnipresent organisms with great research potential

Cyanobacteria: omnipresent organisms with great research potential Necessity of chromatography in the study of secondary metabolites of cyanobacteria Cyanobacteria: omnipresent organisms with great research potential Necessity of chromatography in the…

secrets of science magazine 3/2022

Quick … not dirty!

…fractionation of dioxins and PCBs is completely automated. The first two columns 1 and 2 (Figure 3) serve to capture matrix components of the food samples so that only the…

secrets of science magazine 3/2022

Custom GC helps researchers tackle the energy crisis

common theme through much of this research into ‘new energy’ is quantifying gases at a wide range of levels in one sample. So, for example, as well as bulk amounts…

secrets of science magazine 3/2022

iMScope QT

Award-winning innovation: the new iMScope QT Award-winning innovation: the new iMScope QT Perfect interaction for mass spectrometry imaging Mass spectrometry and microscopy in perfect combination: With the new iMScope QT,…