secrets of science
We found 138 results for your search.
NEWS 1/2018

Pop the corks: 50th anniversary of Shimadzu in Europe

…the business communities. In the coming months, exciting competitions will be run with lots of attractive prizes to win. Just visit the website and apply to take part in…

NEWS 1/2018

Troubleshooting via YouTube

…by clicking on the links in the Shimadzu News App. Alternatively, “GC-2030” can be entered in the search mask of An additional video tutorial details changing of the desolvation…

NEWS 1/2018

New solutions for treating plastic waste

…plastic spoon (a), IR database spectrum of modified PLA (b), differential spectrum of a and b (c), IR database spectrum of talc (d) Which polymers are in disposable dishes? PLA…

NEWS 1/2018

Into the microwave!

…pp. 18-63, 2011. [2] Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V., “Bestimmung des Gesamtfettgehalts in Fleisch und Fleischerzeugnissen-Gravimetrisches Verfahren nach Weibull-Stoldt” (Determination of the total fat content in meat and meat products…

NEWS 3/2017

Shimadzu live

Car Symposium February 2 – 8, 2018 Bochum, Germany JEC March 6 – 8, 2018 Paris, France Laborama March 15 – 16, 2018 Brussels, Belgium analytica April…

NEWS 3/2017

Just paper, isn’t it?

…analyzes components IR microscopy can also be used to analyze the components of packagings, for example, using Shimadzu’s infrared microscope AIM-9000 with a germanium-based ATR objective. The germanium crystal is…

NEWS 3/2017

Small but powerful!

…Melzer, M.: Ibuprofen: Wirkung, Anwendung, Nebenwirkungen. Apotheken Umschau 2017. [6] Davidson J.A., Scheen A.J., Howlett H.C. Tolerability profile of metformin/glibenclamide combination tablets (Glucovance): a new treatment for the management of…

NEWS 3/2017

Joy and fear of Christmas baking …

…higher number (typically 6-10) of MRM fragment ions. Using this MRM spectrum mode, conventional MRM quantification is combined with a high-quality MRM product ion spectrum, which can be used in…

NEWS 3/2017

Sandfish and teeth: the power of bionics

…a reptile that swims through sand got in common with paint? Both are linked through bionics, an interdisciplinary science which applies biological methods and systems found in nature to design…

NEWS 2/2017

Shimadzu live

…Graz, Austria ISSS September 19 – 22, 2017 Wien, Austria Composite September 19 – 21, 2017 Stuttgart, Germany Ourcon September 25 – 28, 2017 Doorn, Netherlands…